Michael Bosschert


Michael Bosschert


Frankfurt am Main, Germany



CRYENGINE Team C# Programmer February 2017 - Present
  • C++ & C#: Maintaining and developing the CryMonoBridge
  • C#: Expanding the CryEngine.Core managed API
  • C#: Developing CRYENGINE C# extension for Visual Studio
  • C#: Improving CRYENGINE C# extension for Xamarin Studio
  • Python: Maitaining and improving the CRYENGINE project system
  • Maintain C++ and C# templates
  • Updating public C# and template documentation
R&D Team Junior Application Developer April 2016 - February 2017
  • C#: Expanding the CryEngine.Core managed API
  • C#: Developing a system for controller input in VR
  • Maintain and distribute nightly builds for the team


Grendel Games

February 2014 - February 2016
  • Gameplay programming
  • Multiplatform build tool
  • Performance optimization
  • UI programming
  • Distributing latest builds to external parties
  • Integrating third-party plugins
Gryphon Rider
  • Gameplay programming
  • Xbox Kinect UI controls
  • Custom GUI system
  • Multiplayer gameplay programming
General tools
  • Automatic build system for Unity3D projects
  • Timetracking webtool
  • In-game bugreporting system
  • Export tools for Modo and Photoshop
Other projects
  • Oculus VR gameplay programming
  • Assisting interns
  • Porting an Android project to iOS
  • Submitting apps to the App Store
  • Develop API for an online database
  • Creating a digital manual for a Wii U game

NHL University of applied sciences

November 2012 - February 2014
  • Augmented Reality apps in Unity3D
  • C# - Interacting with an online API
  • C# - Created several tools to help other developers and designers
  • Creating GUI's with NGUI
  • Animate characters with Mecanim
  • C# - Developed a multiplatform tool for Unity3D
  • C# - Developed a High Definition sprite animator


September 2012 - November 2012
  • C# - Bubbleshooter, tower-defense & navigation apps in Unity3D
  • C# - Augmented Reality music-video in Unity3D
  • Supervise trainees


Infinity Lane Entertainment - Graduation Project
February 2012 - June 2012
  • C# - Pathfinding in Unity
  • CG - Fog-of-war shader
  • Achieving large groups of characters on screen for mobile devices
September 2011 - February 2012
  • C# - Combat system for AI and players
  • C# - Climbing system for the main character
  • C# - Enemy AI, ranging from normal generic enemies to boss-battles
  • C# - Generic Quick Time Event system
  • C# - Blended animations and animation transitions
  • Managing a multidisciplinary team
September 2010 - July 2011
  • C# - Kinect input in Unity3D
  • CAREN - Developing a dancing game in DFLOW for the CAREN platform